Прибыль на акцию Q/Q Spirit Aerosystems Holdings Inc является -86.73%
Ежеквартальный темп роста прибыли на акцию, по сравнению с предыдущим кварталом, представляет собой увеличение прибыли на акцию компании за последние 4 квартала по сравнению с показателями за предыдущие 4 квартала.
The earnings per share growth rate is an important factor for judging a company's value. EPS growth rate gives a good picture of the rate at which the company has grown its profitability in respect to the total number of shares. Comparing EPS history with stock price history helps determine the most likely future direction of the stock price.
Earnings per share is the monetary value of earnings per outstanding share of common stock for a company. The EPS is usually calculated as profit without preferred dividends divided by weighted average of common stock shares over the past twelve months.
spirit aerosystems, with headquarters in wichita, kan., usa, is one of the world's largest non-oem designers and manufacturers of aerostructures for commercial aircraft. in addition to its wichita facilities, spirit has locations in tulsa and mcalester, okla.; kinston, n.c.; prestwick, scotland; preston, england; subang, malaysia; and saint-nazaire, france. in the u.s., spirit's core products include fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing components. additionally, spirit provides aftermarket customer support services, including spare parts, maintenance/repair/overhaul, and fleet support services in north america, europe and asia. spirit europe produces wing components for a host of customers, including airbus.